WebChartMD has chosen The Good Samaritans as our charity. The Good Samaritans was launched in 1979 by Mr. Emil and Mrs. Ananthi Jebasingh, along with a handful of professionals. Their goal was to care for some of India’s neediest people, with a special focus on destitute women and children. Since then the organization’s focus has spread to include literacy and education, health and hygiene, child care and curbing infant mortality, poverty alleviation, disaster management and leadership development.
In 1989, Ms. Jebasingh – by then a college professor with a doctorate in linguistics - was challenged to respond to the needs of the 25,000 children of the nearby Alakananda slum, and was given permission to open a school. Housed in the slum’s toilet complex for almost 10 years, the school grew to over 600 children. In 1998, a group of American tourists visited the school, and pledged support to help Dr. Jebasingh build a facility for the burgeoning school. That facility was constructed in 2004, and today has over 850 slum children in attendance.
In the 20 years since its inception, The Good Samaritans has provided relief and humanitarian assistance projects throughout India. WebChartMD has decided to donate 10% of its profits in 2010 to one particular project – curbing infant mortality. According to UNICEF, infant mortality remains as high as 63 deaths per 1,000 live births – ten times the rate in the US (see the Unicef Article on India's child mortality rate. One primary reason is the lack of professional medical assistance available to women living in India’s 600,000 rural villages, where almost 50% of infant mortality occurs in the first week of life.
The Good Samaritans has launched an initiative to train and send nurses into India’s rural villages to assist in birthing and early infant care. The training curriculum takes 18 months, and students graduate with the necessary certification from the Indian government to work as licensed nurse / midwife.
The cost to underwrite a nurse/midwife’s educational program is $12,000. Her initial cost of entry the training college (tuition, room and board, books, materials) is $3,000, and the on-going expenses during her 18-month program are $500 per month.
WebChartMD has committed to donating 10% of our after-tax profits to charitable causes.
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